21.05.2014 09:13
Maximilian Bähring
Hölderlinstraße 4
60316 Frankfurt a.M.
Mobil: +49 (0)174 3639226 oder +49 (0)176 65605075
Fax: +49 (0)69 67831634
EMail: maximilian@baehring.at


Maximilian Bähring Hölderlinstraße 4 D-60316 Frankfurt a.M.

Fax + (00) 32 / (0)2 / 726 49 48
General Secretary
NATO Headquarters
Boulevard Léopold III
1110 Brüssel


Frankfurt a.M., May 21st, 2014

As i already wrote you the Angela Merkel government manipulated several elections. They influenced citizens not to make use of their right to get elected themselves by massive terror and imprisonments (legislative is not independent, politicians decide who gets the top-judges).

As you also know the right to make a demonstration is a Citizen right. It is not allowed for Iranians to influence american democracy / politics by sending troops to let?s say Washington D.C. and then let them manipulate the public opinion lying to the public that the propagated opinion in demonstrations is not the one of the iranian military but normal us citizens.

As far as I?ve seen on television a group of chaots which call themselves fugitives is on the way to strasbourg or bruxelles where they want to influence the people of european states to a war against their home-countries. They influence our population to start wars to make their revolutions work.

In the german constitution it the right to influence public opinion by demonstrations is therefore granted to germans only on german territroy. I have written this in my blog and am now attacked by criminal gangs!

Instead of helping me the police takes the victims of excessive violence and sexual harassment their self-defending weapons as pepper-spray or tasers. With declaration Pet A-17-99-1030-021771 of April 14th, 2012 to the Parliament, Deutscher Bundestag I have put Article 20 paragraph 4 Grund-gesetz (constitution) in Power. I am civil war party defending the human rights against the Merkel govern-ment as Stauffenberg was defending Germany against human rights criminal Hitler. Therefore the polices action of monday evening is a weaponed attack against the federal republic of Germany which I represent as the oponenent civil war party.

I need troops against the german Police!


(Maximilian Bähring)

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21.05.2014 08:36

Maximilian Bähring
Hölderlinstraße 4
60316 Frankfurt a.M.
Mobil: +49 (0)174 3639226 oder +49 (0)176 65605075
Fax: +49 (0)69 67831634
EMail: maximilian@baehring.at


Maximilian Bähring Hölderlinstraße 4 D-60316 Frankfurt a.M.

vorb per Fax: +49 (0)69 / 1367-2100

nächstgelegene Polizeidienststelle
mittels Oberstaatsanwalt Dr. König
via Generalstaatsanwalstchaft
Zeil 42

D-60313 Frankfurt a.M.

Frankfurt a.M., den 21. Mai 2014

Hiermit ersatte ich Strafanzeige gegen die Polizisten aus diesem Beitrag Straf- Anzeige wegen Beihilfe zur Kindesentführung, strafbar nach § 235 (1) 4 StGB.

Jeder Vater hat automatisch das Umgansrecht mit seinem Kind. Wenn es nicht gerichtlich geregelt ist und noch kein Herausgabebeschluß für das Kind existiert bedeutet es deshalb nicht daß es nicht existent sei. Der Petitionsauschuß des deutschen Budnestages hat im Falle Adler eindeutig aufgeführt daß für besonders eklatante Fälle von Umgangsvereitelung der strafrechtliche Weg der Anzieg eienr Kidnesentführung zu beschreiten sei. Siehe http://adler.dynip.name/ (oder auch:


(Maximilian Bähring)

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